Taal - Engels

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Titel Auteur Staat
Sandino - The testimony of a Nic.patriot Conrad, robert edgar

silver chair, the Narnia chronicles lewis, c s

Three Pigs Rand McNelly

Time machine, the Wells, h g

Voyage of the Dawntreader, the Narnia lewis, c s

Wuthering Heights Brönte, emily

Diary of a Killer Cat, The Fine, Anne prima

Anna Apparent Bawden Nina

Carrie's War Bawden, Nina prima

Eternal Savage, The Burroughs, Edgar Rice prima

George beneath a paper moon Bawden, Nina

Gerard Manley Hopkins - The Poems (Studies in English Literature) Thornton, R.K.R prima

Homosexual kings of England, The Graham, James prima

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - a story Bach, Richard redelijk

Landscape and Silence Pinter, Harold redelijk

Mooijman, J.P prima

Nicholas Nickleby Dickens, Charles prima

Nineteen eighty-four (The modern novel series) Orwell, George

Of mice and men. Steinbeck, John.

Pride and Prejudice - abridged version, level 4 Austen, Jane/ als nieuw

Vorige 20 Volgende 20

Leeuwarden / 1965-...
De driesprong
kleine Johannes. M...

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